Exterior view (Vinofaktur Genussregal) | © Vinofaktur Vogau | J.Kernmayer

Vinofaktur Genussregal Südsteiermark

In Vogau at the start of the Southern Styrian Wine Road, the adventure and tasting world on the topics of wine, culinary delights and enjoyment awaits you. In the largest wine shop in Styria - Vinofaktur - classic wines and crus as well as rarities are stored directly on site.

The Genussregal does not just exhibit the culinary achievements of the region in its world of experience and tastings, but also invites you to experience them. Enter a wide range of experiential rooms here and dive into the interaction of the country, people and region.

With the numerous tasting possibilities (included in the entry), the special quality, excellence and uniqueness of Styrian products are opened up to you. You can get the taste of regional culinary highlights here!

You're looking for accommodation near Vinofaktur Genussregal Südsteiermark?
You can book here directly

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